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Coming This Fall.. Seven Activities For You and Your Furry Friend!

Coming This Fall.. Seven Activities For You and Your Furry Friend!

The best season of the year is around the corner, FALL! You know what that means… Cooler weather, bonfires, and lots of apple cider donuts! Read below on how you can include your furry best friend in some of the fall activities and make it their favorite season too.

1- Visit the local Pumpkin Patch or Apple Orchard
Be sure to do some research ahead of time and ask if your pup can come! With your pup's help, you’ll find the best pumpkin in the patch! Don’t forget to take some cute pictures too!

2- Go for a Hike to See the Foliage
This is the most beautiful time of year! All the trees are changing colors and there are a bunch of new smells for your furry friend to enjoy. Plus the fresh air will help tucker them out!
    3- Give a Pumpkin Treat
    Pumpkin is great for your dog's digestion in small portions. It provides a source of fiber and can help with both constipation and diarrhea. By providing just a tablespoon into your pup's food, you are helping their digestive health. It is also known to help with urinary health and weight loss. So don’t forget to slip them a little pumpkin when carving!
      4-  Up for a Movie Marathon
      Does your dog like to stay in more than go out? No worries! Set a bowl of candy out for the trick-or-treaters and settle down on the couch with your pooch for some old fashioned Halloween movies. Looking for Halloween movies that feature dogs? Check out Scooby-Doo or Frankenweenie.
        5- Go Trick-Or-Treating
        Take your pup along for some trick or treating with the family. You can even create a family costume that includes your furry best friend if you’re feeling extra creative!
          6- Host a Costume Party
          Host a doggy playdate! Have all your pup's buddies over and encourage parents to dress their dogs up in funny costumes! Have a grand prize for the winner to make it more fun!
            7- Attend Parades and Tailgates
            Take your pup to the local events. You can check online to find events that allow dogs near you! Be sure to keep your dog on a secure leash and watch for signs of them getting overwhelmed to make sure they are having as much fun as you!

              Happy Fall! We hope you and your furry friend(s) have a Spetacular™️ season! Enjoy the weather and don’t forget to stop and smell the cinnamon!


